The Working Lamp: Creating Magical Change With Spiritual Lamps

By Conjure New Orleans (other events)

Friday, February 1 2019 7:00 PM 8:00 PM CST
Spiritual work is often utilized to bring change to a condition, improve upon a situation or open up a road or opportunity. A big part of that work, in Conjure, is the use of the lamp. The lamp is made to not only light the way, but also usher in a magical change to a condition. In this class, you are going to learn how to, first, create a lamp, their purpose, how to work it as well as works that will bring about magical change. This is a class not to be missed! Join Hoodoo Sen Moise, veteran conjure man and co-owner of Conjure New Orleans, as he shows you secrets of working a lamp to make magical change and bring up the power of the Spirit! Let the blessings and power of the working lamp be a potent addition to your own spiritual workings.